Уважаемые сотрудники кафедры,
04 сентября (среда) в 12-30 в аудитории Ц-25 состоится собрание кафедры.
06 июня (четверг) в 16:00 в центре коллективного пользования(ЦКП) состоится 65е заседание семинара жидкокристаллического общества "Содружество", "Жидкие кристаллы".
Докладчик: профессор Jui-Hsiang Liu, National Cheng Kung University, Тайвань.
Тема доклада: "Photo/Thermal Tunable Liquid Crystalline Polymeric Actuators" (Фото/термо-регулируемые жидкокристаллические полимерные актюаторы).
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Просим предлагать темы новых докладов по адресу: kazna@ineos.ac.ru (А.Казначеев)
04 июня 2019 (вторник) в 17:00 в аудитории Ц-25 состоится доклад к.ф-м.н. Нургаллиева Ильнара Накиповича, Институт химии и физики полимеров, АН Республики Узбекистан (г. Ташкент).
Тема доклада: "К вопросу квантово-химической теории реакционной способности применительно к высокомолекулярным соединениям".
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31 мая в 14:00 в аудитории Ц-25 состоится заседание лифшицевского семинара по теории полимеров.
Докладчик: профессор Ralf Everaers (ENS, Lyon, France) .
Тема доклада: "Pincus relations for randomly branched polymers"ERS.
Аннотация: "Randomly branched polymer chains (or trees) are a classical subject of polymer physics with connections to the theory of magnetic systems, percolation and critical phenomena. More recently, the model has been reconsidered for RNA, supercoiled DNA and the crumpling of topologically constrained polymers. While solvable in the ideal case, little is known exactly about randomly branched polymers with volume interactions. In the first part of the presentation, I will review the Flory theory for interacting trees for good solvent, θ-solutions and melts and compare its predictions to a wide range of available analytical and numerical results [1]. Even though the predictions are surprisingly good, the approach is inherently limited. In the second part of the presentation, I use a combination of scaling arguments and computer simulations to analyse distribution functions for a wide variety of quantities characterizing the tree connectivities and conformations. We observe [2] a generalized Kramers relation for the branch weight distributions and find that distributions of contour and spatial distances are of Redner-des Cloizeaux type, q(x) = C|x|^θ exp[−(K|x|)^t]. We propose a coherent framework, including generalised Fisher-Pincus relations, relating most of the RdC exponents to each other and to the contact and Flory exponents for interacting trees.
[1] Flory theory of randomly branched polymers, Ralf Everaers, Alexander Y. Grosberg, Michael Rubinstein, and Angelo Rosa, Soft Matter, 13, 1223 (2017).
[2] Beyond Flory theory: Distribution functions for interacting lattice trees, A. Rosa and R. Everaers, Phys. Rev. E, 95, 012117 (2017)."
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31 мая 2019 (пятница) в 19:00 в аудитории 221 лабораторного корпуса Б состоится заседание московского семинара по биоинформатике.
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Докладчик: профессор Ralf Everaers (ENS, Lyon, France)
Тема доклада: "A polymer physics view on universal and sequence-specific aspects of chromosome folding"
Аннотация: "Recent advances in genome-wide mapping and imaging techniques have strikingly improved the resolution at which nuclear genome folding can be analyzed and revealed numerous conserved features organizing the one-dimensional chromatin fiber into tridimensional nuclear domains. Understanding the underlying mechanisms and the link to gene regulation requires a crossdisciplinary approach that combines the new high-resolution techniques with computational modeling of chromatin and chromosomes. In the first part of the presentation I will discuss our current understanding of generic aspects of chromosome behavior during interphase and, in particular, evidence that the formation of territories can be explained by the topologically constrained relaxation of decondensing metaphase chromosomes. In the second part, I will report results from a collaboration with the Cavalli lab in Montpellier, who have used HiC experiments to study the largescale chromosome folding in Drosophila nuclei during the course of development. The characteristic signature of Rabl territories is visible during early stages of development but disappears in late embryo nuclei. Our corresponding simulations suggest that this feature is due to the memory of quasi-nematic chromosome alignment. Compartimentalization of centromeric heterochromatin is well accounted for by co-polymer models with like-like attraction between hetero- and eu-chromatin. The additional distinction of a small number of epigenetic states allows to reasonably well predict the formation of (and interaction between) TADs".
Докладчик: профессор Angelo Rosa (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
Тема доклада: "From chromosome territories to ring polymers: physical properties of untangled polymer melts"
Аннотация: "In this talk, I will review my work on the physical modeling of eukaryotic chromosomes. In particular, I will present results of detailed molecular dynamics computer simulations of a minimalistic coarse-grained polymer model which is able to reproduce with great accuracy the large-scale features of chromosomes, like their confinement to specific regions of the nucleus (territories) and the formation of contacts. The talk will be concluded by a discussion focusing on the conceptual connection between nuclear chromosome organization and the physics of untangled ring polymers in concentrated solutions".
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